Me Me Me Me Me Me

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Top Ten Tuesday!

So it's Tuesday, which means I have a top ten! Today this is the top ten books on my pile for summer, comment and let me know what you would add and what your top picks for summer are! Some of these picks are a little vain, some are also not very well justified, so that's how you know its definitely my list!

In no particular order:
 1. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews
I can't say I've seen a book about cancer that's classed as a comedy, so I'm definitely intrigued to see exactly how this pans out. Currently finding it difficult to get my hands on it in the UK

2. Alienated by Melissa Landers
One of my favourite book bloggers on YouTube, ABookUtopia (check her out, she has some great reads!), interviewed the author of this, and the premise really caught my eye. From what I have gathered, it's basically about an alien exchange trip. A girl falls in love with their 'exchange' student, I'm just really hoping it's not too cliche and childish, because there's definitely a risk of that. It kind of reminds me of the Lux series which I loved.
 3. Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellara
 This has been dubbed as the next Perks, so I'm practically jumping out of my seat t read this. It's been on my list for months and months, and now that summer is here it's time to get my morbid on!

4. The Ring and the Crown by Melissa De La Cruz
This is another recommendation from YouTube, from my absolute favourite YouTuber PolandBanananasBooks. This book has been all over YouTube recently, but it caught my eye because its about princesses and magic. That just sells it for me really, I don't need much more!

5. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
Yet again another book that is massive in the book blogging circles. My excitement has actually been dampened by a few bloggers who thought it didn't add up to the hype, so I'm praying this is good because I really want it t be. Anything that acknowledges the idea of 'Fangirling' makes me pretty happy, lets be honest.

6. A Strange Kind of Familiar by Hannah Harvey
It looks like I'm going to be a stop on this book's blog tour! I don't normally participate in book tours, but this sounded right up my street. Boy meets girl etcetc, I can dream right? Watch this space for an author interview!

7. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Do I really need to say anything?
I'm pretty sure most people have heard of this, it's been dubbed as the most cutesy book currently available. I recently read Just One Day and apparently it actually beats it, so that's why I'm anxious to read it as soon as I can!!

8. These Broken Stars by Amie Kausman and Meagan Spooner
I'm going to just put up my hands and admit that one of the sole reasons this is on my TBR list is because of the cover. That is one damn good cover. I actually don't know much about this book, other than it's like titanic in space. What more do you need t sell a book than an amazing cover and the words 'titanic in space'?

9.  We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
This book is so mysterious. I know so little about it, because the blurb gives nothing away and the bloggers I've seen talking about it literally refuse to give anything away which is SO FRUSTRATING. It makes me want to read it more though, it's like a book playing hard to get, and I like it. This was the June Booksplosion book of the month, so I'm a little behind but I'll get there eventually.

10. Fallen Too Far by Abbi Glines
Woah, what  is this cover? I have never seen this before and it is really.... something. I feel like I am the thirdwheel of this book cover, and the need to avert my eyes. Anyway, cover aside, I added this to my list because Abbi Glines wrote The Vincent Boys and I loved that book and her style of writing. A blogger must have spoken about it for it to be on my list, so if I remember who I will put thier link here. Basically I have no doubts this book will be superb, and an easy, fun read. I'm so excited!!!

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish


  1. I loved Anna and the French Girl and Fangirl! And they are definitely perfect reads for the Summer! I also can't wait to read Love Letters to the Dead, I have heard it is a gorgeous read! Happy reading! :)

    1. Any recommendations for my list? I'm so excited for Anna and the French Kiss!
